Extend - определение. Что такое Extend
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Что (кто) такое Extend - определение

Extended; Application extension; Extention; Extension (mathematics); Extensions; Extends; Extend; Extension (computing); Extension (disambiguation); Extensions (album); Extension (album)
Найдено результатов: 486
¦ verb
1. make larger or longer in space or time.
occupy a specified area or continue for a specified distance.
2. hold (something) out towards someone.
offer or make available.
3. (extend to) be applicable to.
4. strain or exert to the utmost.
extendability noun
extendable adjective
extendibility noun
extendible adjective
extensibility noun
extensible adjective
ME: from L. extens-, extendere 'stretch out'.
(extends, extending, extended)
Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English.
If you say that something, usually something large, extends for a particular distance or extends from one place to another, you are indicating its size or position.
The caves extend for some 18 kilometres...
The main stem will extend to around 12ft, if left to develop naturally...
Our personal space extends about 12 to 18 inches around us...
The high-speed train service is planned to extend from Paris to Bordeaux...
The new territory would extend over one-fifth of Canada's land mass.
VERB: V for amount, V to amount, V amount, V from n to n, V over n, also V to n
If an object extends from a surface or place, it sticks out from it.
A shelf of land extended from the escarpment.
VERB: V from n
If an event or activity extends over a period of time, it continues for that time.
...a playing career in first-class cricket that extended from 1894 to 1920...
The courses are based on a weekly two-hour class, extending over a period of 25 weeks.
VERB: V from n to n, V over n, also V to n
If something extends to a group of people, things, or activities, it includes or affects them.
The service also extends to wrapping and delivering gifts...
His influence extends beyond the TV viewing audience.
VERB: V to n/-ing, V beyond n
If you extend something, you make it longer or bigger.
This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range...
The building was extended in 1500.
...an extended exhaust pipe.
VERB: V n, V n, V-ed
If a piece of equipment or furniture extends, its length can be increased.
... a table which extends to accommodate extra guests...
The table extends to 220cm.
VERB: V, V to amount
If you extend something, you make it last longer than before or end at a later date.
They have extended the deadline by twenty-four hours.
...an extended contract.
VERB: V n, V-ed
If you extend something to other people or things, you make it include or affect more people or things.
It might be possible to extend the technique to other crop plants.
VERB: V n to n
If someone extends their hand, they stretch out their arm and hand to shake hands with someone.
The man extended his hand: 'I'm Chuck'.
= stretch out
·vt To hold out or reach forth, as the arm or hand.
II. Extend ·vt To increase in quantity by weakening or adulterating additions; as, to extend liquors.
III. Extend ·vt To value, as lands taken by a writ of extent in satisfaction of a debt; to assign by writ of extent.
IV. Extend ·vt To stretch out; to prolong in space; to carry forward or continue in length; as, to extend a line in surveying; to extend a cord across the street.
V. Extend ·vt To Bestow; to Offer; to Impart; to Apply; as, to extend sympathy to the suffering.
VI. Extend ·vt To enlarge, as a surface or volume; to Expand; to Spread; to Amplify; as, to extend metal plates by hammering or rolling them.
VII. Extend ·vt To Enlarge; to Widen; to carry out further; as, to extend the capacities, the sphere of usefulness, or commerce; to extend power or influence; to continue, as time; to Lengthen; to Prolong; as, to extend the time of payment or a season of trail.
I. v. a.
Stretch out, reach out, reach forth.
Prolong, continue, lengthen out, protract.
Expand, dilate, enlarge, widen, augment, increase, fill out.
Diffuse, spread abroad.
Offer, yield, give, impart.
II. v. n.
Stretch, reach, spread.
1) (A) ('to convey') they extended a warm welcome to us; or: they extended us a warm welcome
2) (d; intr.) ('to reach') to extend beyond (the forest extends beyond the border)
3) (d; intr.) ('to reach') to extend from; to (the border extends to the river)
4) (D; tr.) ('to prolong') to extend from; to (we extended the fence to the edge of our property)
5) (d; intr.) ('to continue') to extend into (the cold wave extended into March)
6) (d; intr., tr.) ('to spread') to extend over (his power extends over the whole country)
7) (P; intr.) ('to stretch') the plateau extends for many miles
<programming> To add features to a program, especially through the use of hooks. "Extend" is very often used in the phrase "extend the functionality of a program." Plug-ins are one form of extension. (1997-06-21)
Embrace, extend, and extinguish         
Embrace, extend and extinguish; Embrace, extend, extinguish; Embrace and extend; Embrace, extend, and exterminate; Extend and embrace; Embrace extend and extinguish; Proprietary extension; Embrace extend extinguish; Embrace, Extend, Extinguish; Embrace, extend and destroy; Embrace, extend, destroy; Embrace-extend-extinguish
"Embrace, extend, and extinguish" (EEE), also known as "embrace, extend, and exterminate", is a phrase that the U.S.
An extension is a new room or building which is added to an existing building or group of buildings.
An extension is a new section of a road or rail line that is added to an existing road or line.
...the Jubilee Line extension.
N-COUNT: usu with supp
An extension is an extra period of time for which something lasts or is valid, usually as a result of official permission.
He first entered Britain on a six-month visa, and was given a further extension of six months...
Something that is an extension of something else is a development of it that includes or affects more people, things, or activities.
Many Filipinos see the bases as an extension of American colonial rule...
N-COUNT: usu N of n
An extension is a telephone line that is connected to the switchboard of a company or institution, and that has its own number. The written abbreviation ext.
is also used.
She can get me on extension 308...
N-COUNT: also N num
An extension is a part which is connected to a piece of equipment in order to make it reach something further away.
...a 30-foot extension cord...
·Impf & ·p.p. of Extend.
Expansion, dilatation, dilation, enlargement, increase, augmentation.



Extension, extend or extended may refer to: